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Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 things to know about Asian Women

1. The only females to constantly put their men (Asian) in comparison with men of other races - (Comparing Asian men to white men, and what we lack compared to the white man)

2.  Fantasizes at an early age of interracial marriages and having mixed babies. (In order words, they want to have the white man's baby with white features)

3. Expect their men (Asian) to have to pay for everything and know the solution to everything from fixing a computer to the answers to her retarded questions.

4. Expect the highest standards in Asian men. If your not a doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, engineer, banker or in finance then your consider a broke and unworthy mate. Compare Asian women standards to that of Hispanic and Black woemn and you see the major differences.

5. Exclusively dates men of other races and refuses to date their own. Famous line: "Sorry, I don't date Asian guys." However, when they see an Asian man with a white girl they instantly feel bitter and jealous. They give dirty looks, become rude, or flat out of give the white girl a hard time. It has become acceptable for them to date men of other races but can't stand to take a dose of their own medicine in return.

6. Claim Asian pride, but they don't have the slightest clue on what the word even means

7. Very quick to defend racism when its directed at other races but when its directed at Asians or Asian men, they try to avoid it. They blame Asian men for not being strong enough to stand up or defend themselves

8. Many people date out of their race but Asian women are the only ones that go out of their way to make Asian men look bad. How often do you hear a black man that dates white women go "i don't date black women."

9. Asian women would exclusively date white men ONLY while they are in their prime but as their looks decline going in their thirties they decide to settle for Asian men. They want security and an Asian man to take care of them once they become after market trash and they know it. Read evidence of that in this article

10. The only women I know that has surgery to make their eyes bigger! Nuff said!

Update to this post on 10/13/12

I realized I pointed out all these facts but failed to come up with a solution for those affected and might want to do something about it.

Here are some tips to counteract the self hating Asian women syndrome.

First, ask yourself if your attracted to women of other races. White, Black, Hispanic, and Indian? If your answer is yes to any then start pursuing, make moves, and date women of other races. Don't hold back on yourself by being selective and putting all your eggs in one basket by only wanting Asian women. You might answer, but White and Black women are only into their own! While there is truth to that, I guarantee you that there are women within those races that are into Asian men or into men that have their shit together. As long as you take of your appearance, have confidence and have some skill at talking to girls then you will do just fine. Remember, you must always take the initiative. Women will be women no matter what race they are and would expect the man to make the first move.

How do you know if women are into Asian men? You don't. Sometimes you have to take a chance. Be a man, if you want a women then go for it. Every man should allow himself the opportunity to get the ass he desires. Don't forsake yourself. As I mentioned, women are attracted to a confident, dominating male that has his shit together. If she blows you off just for the simple fact that your Asian, then this bitch is just another white washed typical American that eliminates Asian men as mates not because they are not worthy but because they are the walking clones of American/Western thinking. Shes not worth your time, fuck that bitch (not literally) and move onto the next.

Where to find women that are attracted to Asian men? There are plenty of groups that have been started online through Facebook and other sites. Just type in Asian men and White women dating in your city or state and see what pops up. There are also plenty of Asian men lovers at Anime Conventions, Asian Film festivals and other various Asian gatherings. I personally met the girl from Spain at an the Manga convention back in 2007. She was staring at me the whole time but didn't say anything. (This is a green light. If a girl is staring at you for more than a few seconds means that she might be interested in you. If a girl positions herself around you pretending to look at something that means she is potentially giving you the green light to move in) I had to do the hunting and eventually was able to eat that Spanish ass. Remember, YOU ALWAYS have to initiate. Sometimes the negative thing is the girls at these events may have fetishes. Some may be into Japanese or Korean men only because of K and J Pop boy band music, dramas or manga they watch and want to mimic what they see on screen in their own lives. If your not a Jap or Korean you still you have an advantage because your Asian. The Spanish girl was into Japanese men and culture but I was able to claim that ass for myself even though I'm not Japanese.

If there is a Korea-town or Japan-town in your city with bars and cafes that have girls of other races that hang out there then chances are they are open to dating an Asian guy.

Once you date your non Asian girl, be proud of her and don't feel ashamed or intimidated by anyone that might give you the look. Asian women date White men all the time and is accepted by society so why can't Asian men do the same. If anyone gives you a hard time about it, point it out. Point out the hypocrisy and don't let anyone talk you down about dating a non Asian girl. Don't let your parents, your friends, or society discourage you from doing what you want. Last, parade your new girlfriend around Asian women to get your revenge. You will see how bitter the Asian women would get when they see that your no longer at the sidelines feeling bad for yourself. You would see the hypocrisy boil in their eyes....and if they make it vocal, call them out for it too.

Be a man, pursue what you want and defend what's yours.


  1. The Man holding you downOctober 13, 2012 at 10:17 AM

    Gotta luv them connivers

  2. As a confidence exercise, I've done the following:

    If you see a really stylish woman (Asian or non-Asian) who is wearing something interesting (be it boots, hat, or a coat) I just like to walk up to them and say "I really like your (article of clothing), nice find." Then I turn to walk away. Sometimes you just get a thank you. Sometimes they will grab your arm and say "Wait a minute, don't go away with just that!" It's a low risk way to introduce yourself and a confidence booster.

  3. Really good method. Women are flattered by men who notice and compliment anything else other than their body or looks. It shows your paying attention to the little things she does to look good. Walking away shows that your a man of value and did not talk to her just to hit on her. Reverse mind games well played. Gotta try that again sometime

  4. It really is. You also have to give your best smile and a thumbs as you're walking away. After I added that move, the hit rate went up.

  5. Yep. A good smile will do wonders...Good job and keep it coming brother

  6. Personally I think Asians (especially East Asians) among all races have the least pride in their race, they can forsake dignity and pride for money and social status. That's why the biggest Asian country in the world is still a dictatorship. Japanese people are said to be proud of themselves, but deep inside they still worship the Western world after WWII defeat. I don't think "Asian pride" ever exists at all.

    Even though I have never dated a white woman, I believe your story that Asian women are bitter when they see an Asian man date a white woman. Here in my country (Hong Kong), many local men go to China to find girlfriends and wives, and local women are NOT happy with that. Here's what you'll hear from a typical Asian woman and read in women's forums: "local guys are useless and can't handle us that's why they date Chinese girls" "Chinese girls just want them for money" "local women are much more reliable and honest" etc. At the same time if a local woman dates a white man or even a Chinese man, they will say it's "true love", "love without boundaries" or "local guys are pathetic that's why we have to find foreign men". The double standard is simply amazing.

    When people who are constantly deprived of pride and dignity (and where having no dignity and pride is accepted as the "norm") stand up and claim back what they have lost, they usually will not get good reactions from others. It's like when you've been eating shit for many years and suddenly want bread, they'll say you're "greedy" and "jealous". I think this can explain the above?

  7. When people are submissive then others will expect them to be all the time. When there are few that are breaking out of the norm they will face heat from the haters of other races who don't want to see them to do good. For instance, Jeremy Lin first Asian American trying to make a name in the NBA, news reporters call him the "chink in the armor," then he moves to the rockets just to have another black player take over as the star and now he has to fight to keep his starting position. All this talk about whether or not Jeremy Lin is starting or even NBA material because he is constantly sized up for his race more than concentration on building his potential. Lin himself, spoke about the discrimination he feels and dealt with and this is coming from the most humblest of people.

    Non Asian men think that Asian men can't get women at all or just stay with their own women so every time they see us going out with Non Asian women, they can't seem to accept it. I hear so many stories from non Asian women on how non Asian men keep asking why they like Asian men. "They eat dogs, small penises, boring, nerds, only like karate, etc." These are all true stories, no BS. So yes, you do explain yourself quite thoroughly. Non Asian men want Asian men to be what the media portrays us to be. Non Asian men want us to be want the stereotypes say we are. Non Asian men want us to be what THEY want us to be. Non Asian men want us to be lesser then them. While this is not the case for all of them, it is for most of them.
    I noticed when a white or black guy brings their Asian or white girl to introduce amongst a social setting, everyone is welcoming and more and less puts up the friendly front. But when an Asian guy comes with a white girl then everyone has the WTF look.
    True story, when I was dating the girl from Spain, we went to Duane Reade to buy lube and condoms, and when she went to the register to pay for it, the black guy working there had the wtf look because she was white and I was Asian and we were buying sex supplies. He stared a hole into me and was sizing me up. Not the give you props bro look, but the hater look.

    I am aware of the same thing you mentioned above. Many HK local men are sick of the materialistic and the "big princess" personality of HK women talking down to their men so they go to China in search of a better mate. Same goes for any man then will go out of their nation's borders to search for women of other countries. The women are secretly bitter thinking about what does she have they I don't? Why neglect us and go for other women? They become insecure but refuse to admit their faults or recognize they are crap mates, so they get defensive, and then lash out at the men, saying they are losers that's why that can't get their won women so they resort to looking elsewhere and import their women. It's always double standard with Asian women. It's in their blood no matter where in the world you go.

  8. Non-asian guys can be really stupid and ignorant about the world and other races, but they sure do a better job in making themselves more attractive to the opposite sex than Asians guys (e.g. work out, contact sports, learning fashion, grooming, outspoken and outgoing personality), and they don't have the whole mainstream culture against them. Are you interested in culture? I think Asian culture has to do with the plight of Asian guys. After all the Asian virtues are politeness, obedience, collectivism and respect for other people, and they do not seem to be attractive to women.

    Another thing I would like to point out is how there is a difference in defining attractiveness between Asia and the rest of the world. In Asia, the males considered attractive (Korean, Japanese stars) have the following characteristics: 1) Skinny 2) Smooth and white skin 3) Well-groomed 4) Relatively long hair 5) Fashionable (wear clothes with many layers and colours) 6) Talk softly and politely. One good example is the Korean star Bae yong joon (try google pic it). However, it seems that the vast majority of non-asian women do not find these type of man attractive, and they think the image these Asian stars portray is too feminine and submissive (Correct me if I'm wrong? I'm not 100% sure about the western society). Non-asian women retain their "beauty standard" for men when judging Asian guys, so that's why Keni Styles is considered the "hot" Asian man in the West.
    On the contrary, it is very interesting to notice that non-asian males considered attractive in the Western world remain very attractive to Asian women. Hollywood male stars are very popular in Asia, that even though they fit NONE of the six "attractive" male characteristics I mentioned above (Hollywood stars are more likely to be muscular, have short hair, wear relatively simpler clothes, more outspoken and confident), Asian women still find them extremely attractive.
    Up to this moment I still find it hard to understand the reason. Maybe Asian women have double standards of attractiveness when it comes to different races? Maybe deep down in Asian women's genes they still prefer a dominant and muscular man, even though they say they want a sensitive, skinny and fashionable guy?

  9. At Novaone: I wrote a response a while back ago but my computer froze and it didn't save. It was a long response too
    It's true that some Asian guys don't take care of their appearance. In the dating game, where women look as something as unusual as your shoes to decide whether or not she will sleep with you, having a good appearance is ALMOST as important as having good game to get laid.
    However, culture and mainstream is also a boost. Black men have a huge boost from all the hip hop and r and b music which many women love and their perception of black men are what they perceive from these stars. Now they get curious and want to try a black guy because of the media boost. When Asian guys are portrayed as evil red dawn communist invaders, or wife beating gangsters, or Mr. Chow from the hangover, that is the perception that women have of Asian men. Most women are quite ignorant and would worry about what others think and see them with. Therefore many Asian men are disqualified as lovers. The fact that Asian men are normally conservative, quiet and smaller in physical size doesn't help either.
    You bring up a good point in the comparisons with Asian and hollywood western stars. While there are some non asian women with yellow fetishes who dig the kpop and jpop type of feminine men, the majority doesn't. You are right. With the other way around, Women in Asian go crazy over hollywood white stars. As you mentioned Hollywood stars are always physically in shape with muscles and abs, and overall very masculine looking. Women, no matter what culture or race or genetically built to like muscular masculine men as we men are genetically wired to be attracted to cute, petite or voluptuous women. Its just the law of nature. So while some women might have jpop or kpop fetishes the majority of WOMEN like muscular masculine men because it gives off the alpha male status which stimulates the sexual desire in women. Keni Styles is attractive to all types of women for the most part because its not because he is Asian, but he is muscular, attractive, with grooming and presentable appearance. He is masculine, and the bottom line is MOST women want a masculine strong man.

  10. Great post

    This is it in a nutshell

    Asian females (AF) (vast majority in the west) want to "exterminate" asian men (AM) (b/c it represents their father who they blame for them being Asian. Self haters) by ruining AM reputation (talking lies to their friends & online at every opportunity) so that no other girls will consider us.
    They want to keep AM inside a little box only they have access to (if they choose) - while they are free to "experiment" with men of all colors/races..

    So it eats them up inside to see AM with white women (esp white women since Asian women place white women above themselves in the hierarchy)
    B/c it fucks up their belief system.
    Fucking hypocrites

    This is why AM (those that "have it") need to learn to get off the "reservation" - for pastures new.

    Don't just stick with AF.
    It just plays into AF (and other men & women) that Asian men have no options & are limited to AF

  11. Never believe at face value what women (esp Asian women) say:

    Asian men - overbearing
    Whitey - masculine, protective

    Asian man: misoygnist
    Whitey: protective

    So - the asian guy can't win.
    Goalposts always move.
    If it's not this, it's that, or his arms too long, his fingernails are too short blabla...LOL

    See how they slant their words depending on the race of the guy?

    Do not waste time trying to (like most AM in the blogosphere) spend any time on analyzing what AF say...b/c it's a game where THEY set the rules & one Asian males can't win.
    It's a GAME ('plausible deniability')

    Women are better than men at using words in fighting (it's really a struggle between AM & AF) since they are not as strong as men, IN GENERAL.
    They are better at this game b/c they started when they were toddlers in getting what they want from daddy using words & charm...instead of force/shouting like boys.
    So they've had lot more practice

    It's all a redherring anyway in sugarcoating ('plausible deniability')
    the truth which they will never say It's akin to the game of throwing a ball to a dog.
    AF throws the ball (takes no effort) while AM chases after the ball (takes a lot of effort) ie trying to decipher her words

    like the dead sea scrolls.
    It's a word game, like i said earlier.

    By throwing the ball, they initiate.
    By running after the ball, the male is always off balance, reacting, takes a lot of effort.
    This is what women achieve thru this tactic (same tactic used in animal/insect kingdom):
    Confuse -> Disarm -> Control

    Don't play that game.
    It's for losers

  12. Yes. And don't fall for that Western belief that Non Asian women don't desire Asian men. That was set up as a stereotype to manipulate the gullible, close minded, weak people that fear to be judged. You will be surprised at the number of Non Asian women that are willing to date and fuck Asian men. The problem is, there is not enough Asian men that hit on them. So as stated, go taste the rainbow so to speak.
    I myself, have 4 interracial sexual/relationship counters thus far. I'll be the first to admit that it could be more....
