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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Non Asian Men can't stand to see Asian Men prevail

In this day and age, Asian men are the new age oppressed minority group in the Western world. Note how I specifically specified Asian men but not women; Asian women are accepted by Western culture not in accomplishment but more as merely sex objects. Here in the states, most Non Asian men see it as a right of passage to sleep with an Asian woman. On the flip side Asian men are deemed sexually undesired and are casted out as social misfits, losers, nerds, karate masters, speak with heavy accents that are lesser men not worthy of any attention or admiration. The point I'm trying to make is that the same Non Asian men that are pursuing Asian women (its quite disgusting, I've heard stories of their advances) put down Asian men at the same time while pursuing our women. Everything in the Western world especially in the US is catered to satisfy their needs and they do their best to portray interracial relationships with Asian women in the media, movies, magazines, dating sites but simultaneously lower the value of Asian men in the very same media platforms. When was the last time you actually saw a lead Asian American male actor? When did you ever see an Asian American couple kiss on screen in a major movie or even a low rated TV show? Answer: never.......the purpose is to discourage or demote Asian American romantic relations. Use propaganda to promote interracial relationships with Asian women and demote Asian men as worthy partners. How many times have you heard "sorry I don't date Asian guys." This comes from the media and propaganda used to embed inferiority in Asian men that we are even deemed undesirable by our own women. (Read more: 10 Things to know about Asian Women.) You go to an Asian event or any Asian community and you see plenty of Asian women with White, Black, Hispanic and even Indian men. It's a smack in the face......The same men that ridicule us or parading around our neighborhoods and communities with our women. Most of them come out unscathed, and if we mention anything then we are bitter and racist. Flip it around, if an Asian man were to parade a Hispanic woman around in Spanish Harlem, how much dirty looks and comments you think they would get? "Oh look at this Chino taking away our women" is what they will say. Same goes for an Asian man with an Irish girl in an Irish pub or a Asian guy with a Black girl in Harlem. The weak minded ones would instantly get intimidated and break off this relation thus further taking away the sexual options of Asian men not only with their own women but now women of other races.....It's an oppression our sexual opportunities and options.

There are many Non Asian women that date Asian men that complain about how much heat they catch when they admit they like Asian men. They get ewwws and yucks from their female counterparts and get teased by other woemn and Non Asian men. They go why do you like Asian guys? They have small dicks, they abuse their wives, they have low sex drives, long fingernails, eat dogs and cats, practice Karate, the list just continues.....If that's not a form of oppression that I don't know what it is......its a complete defamation of a certain groups character and credibility even before you meet the individuals. themselves.
Its no different then Asian men telling Asian women that date Non Asian men, why do you date them? They are carriers of STD's, rapists, jobless bums, criminals, etc. It's no different. Its a form of verbal oppression...its an attempt at convincing others (women) not to associate or date Asian men.

Besides the dating and mating world Asian men face overwhelming odds in everyday life. Asian men get sized up for their race first before they get a chance to show their ability. Jeremy Lin had mentioned many times that being Asian sometimes other players would come after him with a vengeance. They would state that they don't want to made to look bad by an Asian guy. Competition is competition but there is where the line is drawn passed competition and becomes personal and racist.

I was in Macau last week watching the first ever UFC fight event on Chinese soil. The show was UFC Macau (Rich Franklin vs. Cung Le) which for the first time featured a lot of Asian fighters. There were a lot of Americans, Brazilians, and South Koreans also in attendance to watch the show and support their fighters. While the South Koreans and Brazilians had a lot of national pride supporting their fighters and chanting for their country, they were overall respectful and showed class and sportsmanship.

It was the night Asian men triumph as the Japanese and S. Korean fighters won most of the matches. Their was one fight, Riki Fukada vs. Tom Deblass where American fans showed their true colors. Riki Fukada dominated the Tom Deblass the entire match beating him to a bloody pulp. The American fans (2 guys to be exact) situated a few rows behind me didn't like the fact that a fellow American and white guy was getting the shit beat of him and began to shout racist remarks. They began to shout out loud mockingly, "He's from Hong Kong!"...."He's from Guanchuong!".....He's from Shanghai!"....He's from Beijing!".....(Riki is Japanese mind you) They were obviously drunk and their talking was slurred. Now I can tolerate sour losers and whiners but I can't accept the racist comments when it comes to competition. If an Asian guy get his ass beats in the UFC back in America, people cheer and all is good.

(When an Asian man wins, the race card is played as in this case tweet from a Swiss player in the Olympics who couldn't handle being beaten by South Koreans and had to make racial remarks in the face of defeat:

Competition is competition, win and your the man....lose and accept defeat like a man and come back stronger.That wasn't the case with these assholes and I wasn't about to let them disrespect me (Although I'm American born and raised) in the country of my heritage. We are no longer in America, we are in Hong Kong so show some respect. Don't come to our land and spit on our faces with racist remarks. I turned around and shouted "Shut up Crackers!" My face was looking for trouble as I stare them down. They refuse to make eye contact and left minutes later.  Although, I was outnumbered and out sized and with Hong Kong girl, I would have threw down that night if I had to. Grab a beer bottle, plank, 2 by 4 whatever I needed to take care of business on the spot. There is no way I was going to let these white guys make racist remarks and disrespect Asians on our own home turf. It's like going to Harlem and making racist remarks on Black people. There had to be repercussions.......why are Americans so racist and ignorant?

Asian American men are the new Black men of America. We are oppressed by Western thinking, media, portrayals and even by our own. Things have become ten times harder for Asian men since we have been shoved down the bottom of the food chain and sexually and socially by Non Asians and Asians alike (Asian women).  It all comes down to the Survival of the Fittest, and for Asian American men the odds are against us.

Related Post: When racism is okay


  1. I don't think it's as bad as you make it out to be. Yes it fucking sucks sometimes but I know for a fact times are changing. Asian Americans have $1 trillion in spending power. $1 TRILLION. Blacks are still unfortunately typecast as to be entertainers. While there's nothing wrong with that, it's also very limiting. Times are changing and if not, then we all need to do our part to push for that kind of change.

  2. Yes I do agree that Asian American men or Western Asians in general need to start establishing themselves more vocally and with their presences. Blacks are more than just entertainers though, as one of them is the number one man in the country. They are making the jump from sports and media to politics and bigger things.They’ve come a long way and I would like to see that happen for AA men. Hopefully with all that money you mentioned that AA’s have it would be put to invest in projects to promote a better Asian American male image in America such as movies, magazines, Tv stations, etc rather then just personal use.

  3. The word is ACCEPTED, not excepted. Accept = to take, to allow, to recognize. I can't really chew you for a spelling error, you just used the wrong word you thought was right because it sounds almost the same.

  4. I completely agree that the Swiss olympian was a douche bag and rightly got ejected from the Olympics. But those drunk white idiots shouting "He's from Hong Kong"? I mean I fail to see that as racist - stupid, sore losers and ignorant but not necessarily racist. If a Belgian guy was fighting and they said "He's from France" it would be the same situation, right?

  5. You have a point but it was something that requires you to be there to fully understand. It was the tone of voice, the mocking sound of their tone/voice that can give away someone's real intent. No one really is going to shout out a racial slur especially if they are out of their element (white guys in Macau) but seriously is it really necessary to even say that? It's like a white guy beating up another fighter in the ring and a colored person shouts hes from the south! He's a redneck! Go redneck! It's just ignorance and unecessary

  6. WantTheLast20MinOfLifeBackJune 5, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    I stumbled on this site from a CL posting. Thought it would be entertaining but its just sad.
    I'm an AM with a beautiful W wife and just can't stand to come across fellow asian bros who are so low on self esteem that they need to dedicate a shamelessly self promoting blog attacking every other race. This is usually done by short guys (I'm 6'1)

    Talk about a chip......

    My dude, you need to re evaluate your blog and realize that 3 FB likes is a good indication of what you're doing here. Wish I could have the last 20 minutes of my life back.

    There's a reason you're a long wolf. Pussy doesn't need to be planned, It should happen organically.

  7. in regards to my "height' i am 5'10 without shoes. I would consider that average. so if your applying that i have little man syndrome thats not the case. plus i don't think its fair that u insinuating that short guys tend to be the bitter ones

    I can understand how u think i'm attacking other races in this blog but i am not. I am not advocating racial hatred or promoting it by encouraging violence or hate. I writing about the truth and what i see of what asian men like myself go thru or what non asian men view us as.

    I understand u make come from a different environment where perhaps race wasn't such an issue but i grew up in a gritty Hispanic neighborhood in nyc with colombians and mexicans that exposed me to all kinds of racism. Then i went to an all white highschool where i was exposed to even more. The point i'm trying to make is, as a writer i write about the truth, and my experiences. We all have different backgrounds that alters our ways of viewing things. just cause u didn't experience it personally doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Sorry u had to waste 20 minutes of your life to read this blog. U should have stop reading it after the first few mins if it displeases u so much that u have to whine about wanting your time back.

    good luck with your "W" wife tall Asian guy

  8. WantTheLast20MinOfLifeBackJune 13, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    I'm back so you win there.

    For the record, my folks were poor immigrants and a number of my formidable years were spent in the tenderloin in SF (look it up if not familiar). To make matters more interesting, I got a scholarship to attend the whitest of white schools so it was privileged white bullies in the day and crackheads at night. I get it.

    There was a point in my life that I heavily resented the 'others' and kept the aZnPrIdE thing close to the chest.

    The difference between you and I is that I grew from those experiences and expect my fellow asian brethren to have done the same. I'm 30 for goodness sake and if you're anywhere close to me, let it go. Get rid of the chip.

    We all have struggled, my dude.

    I feel great when I walk down the street with my wife and get dirty stares...the nastier the better, however the jealousy manifests itself :)

    be cool.

  9. To Wantmylast20minsback, I guess I misjudged you and assumed that you didn't or experienced racism growing up in the states. I have moved on from those experiences as well. In my past posts I have mentioned that a lot of my best friends were and still is Mexicans/Hispanics. I have embraced other races and see those friends as who they are not their skin color. We can joke openly and crack racist jokes on each other but its all love. But the reason why I still talk about racial issues is because its still there and I'm not going to try to avoid it or the topic as long as its still happening to me and my brethren. People think the subject is touchy and taboo but its reality and it needs to be recognized.

    In regards to your wife who is white, why are you even getting dirty looks in the first place? Racism, you bet. These guys are ass hurt when your with a white women but when Asian men complain about White men dating Asian women than we are labeled as racists and bitter. This is unfair and I won't stand for it. Do you see where I'm coming from with this?

    Anyways, I took the time out to let you know because I feel you understand somewhat deep down what i mean. We take different approaches to it however and that makes us who we are.

    Keep doing your thing.

  10. Asian men are sometimes ignored from Western girls. It has everything to do with patriarchy about most Asian men. That's right. Asian men can work hard to support the family. However, they control their wife too much. She does not even share her ideas to her husband. Yes, Asian men are "bossy".

  11. Then it's like saying all black men are criminals. Old country asian men might be like that but the new American born Asians for the most part aren't. Don't tell me that Hollywood doesn't play an effect. Women are gullible and as soon as a movie portrays a hero with a hot bod all girls will want a man like that

  12. Personally I think Asian guys are just too weak, timid and tolerant (FYI I am an Asian guy). In Asian countries you see many white guys holding hands with pretty Asian women, and no Asian men would ever give dirty comments and nasty looks. They just pretend nothing happens and accept that this is "normal". I bet they are not happy with it, but it is just the norm not to complaint. Asian guys are told that they should be more "tolerant" and "open", and get accused of being jealous and useless for complaining. On the contrary, just like the guy above mentioned, Asian guys would get unfriendly stares and comments from non-Asian people for dating a non-Asian woman.

    Asian people are not good at letting their voices out. With such strong social norms, it is then understandable why Asian guys in general fail to get white women. IMO Asian women notice this phenomenon as well, and subconsciously they have labelled Asian men as the "weaker" ones compared with white men, and from the social norm of "no complaining" they see interracial relationships with white men as a perfectly normal and even desirable.

    Asian Americans may have a tough time in the States, but I think they do pretty good back in Asia. The situation is even tougher for local Asian guys like me, who underwent years of Confucian brain-washing, "duck-feeding" and emasculating education. Can you even believe that in primary schools (grade 1 to 6), kids will get punished for running (yes, just running) during recess in the playground? They are just permitted to walk, sit and eat like old people in the park lol

    Anyway this is a really nice blog! Extremely encouraging and inspiring for Asian men. I'll recommend my friends to read it.

  13. Your right on point here. Asian guys are silently accepting whenever they see white men with Asian women. They think hes white, higher social class and therefore desired by Asian women and here in the States with so many of these kind of couples and in the world overall, they think its normal.
    Asian men unfortunately in many instances are non assertive or confident enough and come off as pushovers, therefore not respected by other races. Whenever there is an AM with another type of women, these cocksuckers get jealous and want to intimidate or just stare as in they can't believe that anyone would want Asian men.
    Asian women are cowards, and they will sell their soul, ally themselves with and open their legs to whoever would "advance" or "raise" their social value to become more quote on quote American, and not just a minority in the eyes of whites and Non Asians and doing so by hooking with white men. They are sell outs no matter how they try to justify it. I don't see Black women hooking up with White men to overcome years of racism, poverty, and be more accepted. They stuck with their own men and toughed it out and still doing so.
    Conclusion still is, Asian men need to be more confident and strong, voice your opinion instead of being passive, build themselves up physically and take care of their appearance and start making a foot hold and finding an identity in this country. I hope to see this happening more often.
    Thanks brother. Glad to hear that this blog is inspiring

  14. Has anyone considered that woman may have the problems? check out this article:
    by the way, i am asian american with many non-asian brothers. We all just love woman, we don't care where they are from.

  15. Women are traditionally the ones with all the wants and needs. Men are more simple, they desire women if they are attracted/fantasize about. That may also be a weakness. Most guys just want a loving, loyal and sweet women to be their mate. Women need and want so much more
