My Book has hit the Hong Kong Mainstream Media

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's OK to Murder/KILL Asians

Let's play the race card on this one. If the tables would have turned and it was the Korean man that pushed the Black guy into the tracks and was killed then we would have a racial riots on our hands. Black people would take to the media and to the streets and claim it was racially motivated and would retaliate on all Asians (since we all look alike to them) for killing one of their own. We would have another Watts riot on hands (real life scenario between Blacks and Koreans in LA back in 1992 when a black girl was shot dead by a Korean store owner). However, when heinous or racially motivated crimes are committed against Asians there are no repercussions.  Why? Because Asians are afraid of trouble and won't stand together publicly to defend their own. Our culture teaches us to mind our own business and not flirt with trouble. This may work in Asia but here in America its a jungle; and in the jungle only the strong or the united survive. To add insult to injury, this same jungle bunny wanted for murder would probably get arrested at his Asian girlfriend's house.

Point of this Post? Support your fellow Asian brother and stand up for your community. Do not tolerate disrespect to your heritage, your community, or to your kin. The more united we, the more the outcry will be from the Asian American community when our own is racially targeted. Send a message to the others that we won't stay quiet if they choose come to make noise in our hood.

Update: 12/6/12

Trevor Martin gets shot and we have plenty of outcry from the community and accusations of racially motivated attentions to shoot the young man. However when its an Asian man, where the fuck is the public outcry? Instead New York Post posts a picture of the actual moments of Ki Suk Han before he got ran over. (I'm not going to put the pic here. It bothers me. Here is the link Where is the public outcry? Where is the Trevor Martin Coverage? This Arab motherfucker has enough time to take pictures of the man instead of dropping the camera to try to pull him up? On top of that he claims he was trying to get the attention of the train's operator by using the flash on his camera and we buy into that? If anyone has any sort of moral or Asian pride in them, I say we boycott the New York Post and fuck that Arab jihad sand monkey motherfucker. May he die a painful horrifying death as well and have someone take his pic seconds before it happens.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300"] This is the Arab photographer aka R. Umar Abbasi who took the pic moments before a man was crushed by a train. He claims he was trying to get the attention of the train's conductor by using the flash of his camera instead of using his hands to pull a man out of harms way.[/caption]

This article actually defends him and buys into his excuse. When Trevor Martin gets shot then Zimmerman is automatically a racist and the media blows it out of proportion. Maybe he was a racist but you see the point I'm trying to make here? An Asian is murdered in an even more gruesome way that could have been racially motivated as well but instead he ends up as the front page entertainment to sell more papers. Flip the coin around, a black man is shot and we have a nationwide outcry.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Few Things to Know

1. When there is a White girl with an Asian girl you should always check out the white girl. The Asian girl would in turn get jealous and would find ways to get your attention. In her mind she can't understand why you chose a white girl over her. I tried this with an Asian girl with a married Jewish last name....I figured, ew...heres another one of those (10 Things to know about Asian Women) I starting checking out the white girl. Instantly on the way back I catch the Asian with a Jewish last name looking at me. (Gross but point made). White girls hanging out with Asians also means the possibility that she is open to dating Asian men

2. This is for the White girls that like Asian men: Want to know what kind of Asian guys that might like Non Asian girls? Try the ones with ponytails....An Asian guy with a ponytail are outside the norm of Asians and might be making a statement with it. They tend to be more open with their choices in life and with women. Personally I've seen many ponytail Asians dating white girls and I for one was dating the girl from Spain when I had my ponytail. So go figure...

If you don't like ponytails than try Asians that ride motorcycles. Asian guys that hang out with friends of different races. Asian guys that major in film, theater or acting.

3. Black girls like Asian Men. I know....I've been hit on plenty of times by Black girls. It was either co workers or random girls telling me I'm hot and asking me out. If your open to dating Black girls I would say you have a great chance since there quite a few ads on craigslist with titles: "Ebony girl for Asian guy." Just ask for that pic. A clear pic with a good angle and a body shot. Many of them can be a little on the plus side so take that pic as your insurance policy. I noticed that Black girls tend to be more bold and if they like you they would ask you out or tell you. They were the only type of girls that I dealt with that takes the initiative. Unfortunately for myself, I've yet to find one that I am physically attracted to. Personally, I would prefer a open minded, kind, petite slim Black girl with a European accent. If you fit the description, then drop a message here :)

4. Never take dating advice from a Woman. A woman would give you advice on her own personal preferences. She would tell you to get and do the things that she likes, doesn't mean necessarily the girl your going after would like it. Plus, you shouldn't be listening to a woman anyways. You are a man....Women like alpha males that are dominant and make their own decisions with confidence and stands by it. Listening to a woman makes you a Beta male. Did old tribal village Alpha males listen to any of their wives? No....they dominated and probably got plenty of sex because of it. A woman would fight and compete to keep a strong man. They will walk all over a weak one. The only time a woman should be involved is when she supports your decision, encourages it and stands by you.

5. Every man should always have multi sex options. What I mean is that if you have a girlfriend, you should still have a side thing with another one unless your the faithful type (I sure hope she is worth it and treats you right in turn). If your dating around and nothing serious then it's essential that you have a few options available. Reason being is if one girl doesn't give you sex that week, you won't come off as needy or bitter because of it since you have the next option fulfilling your sexual needs. You will come off as cool and whatever type of attitude which drives women crazy! Women can sense if a man has many options and has sex with a lot of women. They find this more attractive and in turn compete to get your attention and try to win you over. If you have one sex option then that means putting all your eggs in one basket and putting all your attention in one woman. Women can sense that too and its a major turnoff for them. They will lose interest in you as quickly as the cum that shoots out of your dick.

6. You will be surprised that most women have the same or more sexual partners than men.  that When a woman says she slept with 10 guys, times that amount by 2 and you will have the real number.

7. Long distance relationships never work so don't even try it......If a man likes a woman enough, he can endure.....Women on the other hand, can't wait. They need the physical intimacy and if they don't have it, they will seek it elsewhere. Trust me on this one, because I've been through it quite a few times. If you want to be an international player, make sure you don't get to attached to any one girl....because if you do, that high you had while out there will come crashing down once your back in your home country.

8. Most women sexual experimenting years would be during the start of their college years; 18 to about about 24 or 25. Once they get past that point, they are looking to settle down. They understand that nature is calling, and they are moving out of their prime and need to find a steady mate before she gets old and no one wants her and she cant' have her babies. White and Asian women are the most likely to have multiple partners of different races. More so then your Black or Hispanic woman. Most Asian women I've come across have already slept with White, Black, Hispanic and even Indian men. Now that's something I need to think about before I kiss either one of her lips (top or bottom).

9. Never answer to dating ads by Asian women when they list Asian men as a second choice. For instance, a CL or dating ad that goes like this: "Single Asian woman seeking White or Asian male." Why the fuck are we second place? Are we leftovers in case she can't find her first choice of a white male....Don't settle on being second place. Fuck that.....I can understand if a white woman puts; "SWF seeking SWM or SAM," but an Asian women putting her own men in second place over another race is like saying your not good enough but I'll still consider you all the vanilla ice cream is sold out. Have some self respect and don't even consider these cunts.

10. Don't listen to your Asian parents. Love them but don't listen to them. Their teachings and traditional Asian culture is not cut out for this cut throat world of the Survival of the Fittest that we have here in the states. In a country where race matters, Asian culture breeds their men to be shy, quiet, reserved, gentle, and bookworms which in turn makes us lose out on many fronts. Asians are also the most targeted group for bullies, black and Hispanic kids love to target Asian kids because they are easy prey.  My point is to embrace your heritage and carry on the culture but also adjust and adapt. Accept your culture and simultaneously adjust it to be able to survive and thrive in your current environment.

That's it for now.....if I think of anything else, I will update

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Too bad for the Knicks

I would like to see Jeremy Lin play a little better though....I hope he doesn't become another Jin da MC....Major hype and fame and then Gone and Forgotten as quickly as it came....

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Non Asian Men can't stand to see Asian Men prevail

In this day and age, Asian men are the new age oppressed minority group in the Western world. Note how I specifically specified Asian men but not women; Asian women are accepted by Western culture not in accomplishment but more as merely sex objects. Here in the states, most Non Asian men see it as a right of passage to sleep with an Asian woman. On the flip side Asian men are deemed sexually undesired and are casted out as social misfits, losers, nerds, karate masters, speak with heavy accents that are lesser men not worthy of any attention or admiration. The point I'm trying to make is that the same Non Asian men that are pursuing Asian women (its quite disgusting, I've heard stories of their advances) put down Asian men at the same time while pursuing our women. Everything in the Western world especially in the US is catered to satisfy their needs and they do their best to portray interracial relationships with Asian women in the media, movies, magazines, dating sites but simultaneously lower the value of Asian men in the very same media platforms. When was the last time you actually saw a lead Asian American male actor? When did you ever see an Asian American couple kiss on screen in a major movie or even a low rated TV show? Answer: never.......the purpose is to discourage or demote Asian American romantic relations. Use propaganda to promote interracial relationships with Asian women and demote Asian men as worthy partners. How many times have you heard "sorry I don't date Asian guys." This comes from the media and propaganda used to embed inferiority in Asian men that we are even deemed undesirable by our own women. (Read more: 10 Things to know about Asian Women.) You go to an Asian event or any Asian community and you see plenty of Asian women with White, Black, Hispanic and even Indian men. It's a smack in the face......The same men that ridicule us or parading around our neighborhoods and communities with our women. Most of them come out unscathed, and if we mention anything then we are bitter and racist. Flip it around, if an Asian man were to parade a Hispanic woman around in Spanish Harlem, how much dirty looks and comments you think they would get? "Oh look at this Chino taking away our women" is what they will say. Same goes for an Asian man with an Irish girl in an Irish pub or a Asian guy with a Black girl in Harlem. The weak minded ones would instantly get intimidated and break off this relation thus further taking away the sexual options of Asian men not only with their own women but now women of other races.....It's an oppression our sexual opportunities and options.

There are many Non Asian women that date Asian men that complain about how much heat they catch when they admit they like Asian men. They get ewwws and yucks from their female counterparts and get teased by other woemn and Non Asian men. They go why do you like Asian guys? They have small dicks, they abuse their wives, they have low sex drives, long fingernails, eat dogs and cats, practice Karate, the list just continues.....If that's not a form of oppression that I don't know what it is......its a complete defamation of a certain groups character and credibility even before you meet the individuals. themselves.
Its no different then Asian men telling Asian women that date Non Asian men, why do you date them? They are carriers of STD's, rapists, jobless bums, criminals, etc. It's no different. Its a form of verbal oppression...its an attempt at convincing others (women) not to associate or date Asian men.

Besides the dating and mating world Asian men face overwhelming odds in everyday life. Asian men get sized up for their race first before they get a chance to show their ability. Jeremy Lin had mentioned many times that being Asian sometimes other players would come after him with a vengeance. They would state that they don't want to made to look bad by an Asian guy. Competition is competition but there is where the line is drawn passed competition and becomes personal and racist.

I was in Macau last week watching the first ever UFC fight event on Chinese soil. The show was UFC Macau (Rich Franklin vs. Cung Le) which for the first time featured a lot of Asian fighters. There were a lot of Americans, Brazilians, and South Koreans also in attendance to watch the show and support their fighters. While the South Koreans and Brazilians had a lot of national pride supporting their fighters and chanting for their country, they were overall respectful and showed class and sportsmanship.

It was the night Asian men triumph as the Japanese and S. Korean fighters won most of the matches. Their was one fight, Riki Fukada vs. Tom Deblass where American fans showed their true colors. Riki Fukada dominated the Tom Deblass the entire match beating him to a bloody pulp. The American fans (2 guys to be exact) situated a few rows behind me didn't like the fact that a fellow American and white guy was getting the shit beat of him and began to shout racist remarks. They began to shout out loud mockingly, "He's from Hong Kong!"...."He's from Guanchuong!".....He's from Shanghai!"....He's from Beijing!".....(Riki is Japanese mind you) They were obviously drunk and their talking was slurred. Now I can tolerate sour losers and whiners but I can't accept the racist comments when it comes to competition. If an Asian guy get his ass beats in the UFC back in America, people cheer and all is good.

(When an Asian man wins, the race card is played as in this case tweet from a Swiss player in the Olympics who couldn't handle being beaten by South Koreans and had to make racial remarks in the face of defeat:

Competition is competition, win and your the man....lose and accept defeat like a man and come back stronger.That wasn't the case with these assholes and I wasn't about to let them disrespect me (Although I'm American born and raised) in the country of my heritage. We are no longer in America, we are in Hong Kong so show some respect. Don't come to our land and spit on our faces with racist remarks. I turned around and shouted "Shut up Crackers!" My face was looking for trouble as I stare them down. They refuse to make eye contact and left minutes later.  Although, I was outnumbered and out sized and with Hong Kong girl, I would have threw down that night if I had to. Grab a beer bottle, plank, 2 by 4 whatever I needed to take care of business on the spot. There is no way I was going to let these white guys make racist remarks and disrespect Asians on our own home turf. It's like going to Harlem and making racist remarks on Black people. There had to be repercussions.......why are Americans so racist and ignorant?

Asian American men are the new Black men of America. We are oppressed by Western thinking, media, portrayals and even by our own. Things have become ten times harder for Asian men since we have been shoved down the bottom of the food chain and sexually and socially by Non Asians and Asians alike (Asian women).  It all comes down to the Survival of the Fittest, and for Asian American men the odds are against us.

Related Post: When racism is okay

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Week in Hong Kong

Been back in New York and recovering from a week of fun, fucking, drinking, eating and jet lag. Going back to work for the first time in weeks isn't an easy task neither but I can't complain since I had an amazing week to recharge myself.

So how can I describe Hong Kong? A pussy dating heaven for a ABC (American born Chinese) was for me and it could be for any Western born Chinese male or Western Asian in general. As long as your not incredibly hideous, dress somewhat decent have some skills in talking to women you would have more than your share of dates to go around.

During my short week there I hooked up with two girls. I managed to complete what I couldn't do during my first visit there (back in 2007) which is bang a 100% Cantonese Hong Kong girl. (She was a 8 out of 10 easy). This time around not only did I get pussy on my first night there (hours after landing) but I had her stay with me for 6 out of the 7 days that I was in Hong Kong. Out of those 6 days, 5 nights were non stop fucking.....we hopped from one hotel to the next, fucking in love hotels, hostels, and checking out leaving the room a mess with condoms lying all over the place. Besides fucking, she was my personal tour guide by bringing me around to see the sites of Hong Kong and dining with me at restaurants. We also ventured in Macau to watch the first ever UFC show on Chinese soil. It was an amazing night as I took a picture with the "Iceman" Chuck Lidell and watched my favorite MMA fighter Cung Le, knock out Rich Franklin in the first round of the much anticipated main event. I couldn't believe my eyes.....I was hopping up and down like a kid screaming on top of my lungs. It was a week that I didn't want to end.....

The only night that the Hong Kong girl didn't stay over with me was because I actually had sent her home that night. I had date with another girl (An American) with a major Asian man fetish. I sent the Hong Kong girl home with her knowing that I was going to hook up with another girl that night. She spent an hour trying to convince me to come up with an excuse to not have dinner with the American girl and if I did, how to get rid of her after dinner so she can come back and stay with me for the night. I couldn't believe it.....It was rock star status for me.....girls competing to spend time and stay the night with me. I sent her home anyways and had dinner with the American girl. We had dinner then went to a bar.....after a number of beers she asked me where I was staying.....I told her......she asked to come over.....and I said yes......we stumble back to my hotel and get down for the night....

Besides these two girls, I had many more that I had made plans to see but never got a chance to because I couldn't find the time too. Hong Kong girl didn't leave my side once besides the night I managed to send her home to see the American girl. I had at least 7 more girls on standby, 3 were waiting for me to call, 3 were trying to set up dates with me and Hong Kong girl managed to cockblock them all, and 1 girl that I actually stood up. All were 100% Hong Kong girls. Note: None of these girls mentioned in the post were prostitutes. All these girls were strictly HK locals, including the American girl.

My second trip back to Hong Kong was nothing but a sex, eating, and sleeping fest......I also made up for the lack of pussy I got on my first trip to HK back in 2007. Redemption can be such a sweet thing.....I love Hong Kong.

Bonus: I am writing a travel guide based on my experience in this city. It will have tips on how to get laid, where to go, what to eat, where to stay, etc. Coming soon!

Other Travel Posts: My Time in the City of Seoul

**Update: 05/29/14**

The book is finally out! After nearly two years later, the first and ONLY sex guide written specifically for the Western Asian Male is ready to be shared with the world. If you want to get laid in Hong Kong, then this book is for you! Click on the book image below for more info.

Buy Now Button with Credit Cards

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

LoneWolfTraveler is currently embarking on a new adventure!!

Once again I have embarked on one of my adventures.....i'm currently in a major city in the heart of Asia since last Saturday. Updates, travel guides and tips, women (already fucked 2) accomodations, places to go, etc are coming soon!

As always, donations are welcome. Your donation is much appreciated and will be used to enhance this website and the things I experience so I can share this with all.

Also coming soon.......I'm writing a travel guide for this city.....

Monday, October 29, 2012

Spontaneous Sunday Sex

My 2 months of no pussy spell finally was broken yesterday. It was not by a some fairy tale princess that came along and kissed a frog to release the prince but by the nice smooth feel of a wet, dripping, Cantonese pussy...

I played the online game once more but this time I made sure to get a clear picture before I was willing to meet her. I met up with her on Friday night and took her to a bar to have some food and beer. Towards the end of the night I decided to push for a first night lay again by trying to convince her to come by to my place for a movie. I started to monitor her reaction to me asking for a movie trying to figure out if she understood what I really meant.

Gaming Tip: (This is a move I have played before in the past and it has seen success a few times already with "neighbor bitch" being one of them.  I call it the direct but yet indirect game. It can be either you just went out on a date with a girl you've just met and if things are going well, there is chemistry and attraction than you can try to be direct by asking her to come to your house to watch a movie, look at your pictures or just to show her your dog or fucking goldfish or something. It's direct because any girl knows that once she steps foot into your place, sex or any physical intimate contact is a huge possibility. The point is to get her to process those thoughts to get her thinking of you sexually. Yet it is also indirect because you are not asking her directly and specifically that you are going to go back to your house to fuck or letting her know your TRUE intentions. So you won't set off her "I feel like a slut meter" because she has an excuse for a reason why she agreed to go back to your place. Most girls that agree to go back to your place are ripe and ready to be picked at with your cock. She knows the meaning of that and will use your phony excuse to convince herself that she is not coming back for sex but instead for the reason that you gave her. Once you get her inside your apartment, don't get physical immediately (unless she does, which I doubt since its always the guy that needs to initiate)  but don't take too long either because things might run dry and she might think your all bark and lose interest and want to leave. Wait long enough where you feel like its not too long but not quick enough where it comes off as rushed and unsmooth.

Her reaction seemed mixed, her facial expressions looked like she was absorbing what I had just said. She didn't look really taken back either so I decided to be persistent but yet not too pushy. We starting to head back home and again I mentioned for her to come over for a movie. She smiled and said next time and we ended the night with a hug while I playfully held onto her hand asking her if she was sure.

I woke up Saturday morning with a stiffie and feeling horny. I decided to take a risk by contacting her so early....I continued where I left off last night, offering movie and breakfast in a really playful way and with a little of persistence and dominance she agreed to come over. From there on, it was all a wrap. Had her on my bed, mentioned to her that her perfume smelled lovely and moved in for a kiss. Next thing I know, clothes are flying off and before I know it; I'm on top with my cock deep inside that Cantonese cunt pumping away....Talk about Spontaneous Sunday Sex....

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Book Reviews - Books for MEN

Happier Abroad by Winston Wu

2 stars out of 5  **

The PDF version cost me $14.99 and I regret spending the money on it. Initially I was real interested and eager to read a fellow Asian American's experiences with his romantic sex life in foreign countries. Instead of sharing his stories about his encounters with women, he goes off ranting for 600 pages about how he hates America. Major disappointment. Buy it only if you want to support a fellow Asian American man in the game. That's how I look at it.

Naughty Nomad. Not your typical backpacker story  by Mark Zolo

4 stars out of 5  ****

The PDF version costs $9.99 and to me, was worth every penny. This Irish prick is an adventuring seeking male whore with a lot of stories to tell. He not only sleeps with women from wherever he travels too but he talks about drug smuggling, motorcycles, and his dangerous times he had in Africa and Cambodia. It's very entertaining and a lot of ways inspiring too.

Bang by Roosh V

3 and a half stars out of 5 ***

I ordered the paperback version from amazon for $19.99 plus shipping and handling. It starts of slow but it picks up midway into the book when Roosh really starts going in detail on how to play the text and email game, the openers he uses in clubs, the conversational topics, what to do and say all the way  up to sex and he even gives advice how what to do during sex. Some of his tips and experiences is quite useful, but each player has there different game and ways of going at it. Still a solid book to use to try to get ass.


My all time favorites:

How to Succeed with Women by Ron Louis and David Copeland

5 out of 5 stars *****

This book may be a bit outdated since gaming women is like any other form of art that may gradually change over time. However, it has very useful tips and fundamentals that is important to use to attract women and get them in bed. These tips will never get old since women will always be women. This was the first book I read when I started hunting for ass back in 2008 and personally it helped me get laid twice. Immediately after reading this book I applied what I had read on women and it was a success. From there on, I used the tips from the book and my own style and charm to get ass.

Get Real, Get rich by Farrah Gray

5 out of 5 stars *****

I knew that I had the entrepreneur in me....I just didn't what it was and how to release it. Upon reading this, I understood everything that I was confused with prior and all the questions and I had started to make sense. Eventually I started my first online side thing not long after reading this book.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

4 out of 5 stars ****

Every man should read this at least once


Books I want to read or currently reading

Day Bang by Roosh V

Currently reading....

Russia Story 2002 by Winston Wu

Currently reading....

The Modern Asian Man by JT Tran

I want to read this but it's just to damn expensive. $77 for a freaking book? Come dude, seriously

If anyone else has any suggestions on which books to read then let it be known. Leave a comment or review on the book here. If you want to barter, then let me know too. I currently have the eBooks of the Naughty Nomad and Happier Abroad on PDF. If you want to trade downloads then shoot me an email at: The book I want is the Modern Asian man. If you want the PDF's mentioned but don't have anything to trade, then make a donation and I will send you the link.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Rarest Pussy

It just hit me that my penis has been inside the girl of one of the most exotic and rarest race of women to fuck. How many men can say that they fucked a girl from Turkmenistan?

This is a rare gem....and one of my ultimate bragging rights

Fucked: Back in Nov, Dec 2010 and New years eve 2011

Other Sex posts: American Girl from Seattle

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The most racist races

Spain - I've unfortunately had to come across some of these assholes. When they didn't get what they wanted one of the spics mutters "Chino mierda."  I stopped what I was saying and proceeded to let them know how felt about them. His friend tries to apologize for his him which didn't even sound sincere and I didn't accept. He didn't think I would understand what he meant but I did.

Other: Spanish basketball Olympic team slanting their eyes

History: These guys were notorious for pillaging the Americas when they first arrived and killing Native Americans

Hispanics - I grew up around these motherfuckers and they are the most racist people you would ever find. These fuckers don't like anyone from Asian, White and even black. They are the ones to play the race card before anyone else. I have so much stories and encounters with these rice and beans eating savages that its too long to list.

Ironically my best friends were Mexicans and Colombians. Not everyone is like what I mentioned above but the majority is. That I can guarantee

Middle Eastern and Guyanese People - These jihad, Allah praising sand monkeys go in on thinking they are some kind of superior specimen. I don't how they got that thinking but what I know is that they commonly disrespectful to Asians.  A twelve year old kid goes 'ni hao ma" to me with a smirking mocking voice and grin. His father who was there just encourages it by laughing. I said "not too good after 911 Gandhi." They all should go shoot an Ak-47 and shout how all Americans are infidels and shut the fuck up...Last, what's with these guys thinking their all gangstas these days?

NY Irish and Italians: These guys just don't like anyone that is not Irish or Italian. They know how to be two face about it though....they would just slur behind your back

So what's the point of this post? To start a race war? Perhaps, perhaps not.....although I'm a retaliatory racist I think its time Asians start taking the initiative. Next time you see one person you don't like, ask him "where are you from?" When he answers you, you say "well you should go back."

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cockblocking Steriod Meathead

Let's backtrack a few weeks back to about Mid September. A Chinese girl had just sent me a request on Couchsurfers to stay at my place. We chatted a bit through text and decided to meet for lunch on a Friday. We met up and headed over to a popular Italian food court in Manhattan (NYC for those who don't know). We ordered our food, grabbed some wine and chit chat while we ate. Although my intentions of meeting up were obviously to get into this girl's pants when I met her she really reminded me of an innocent little girl who could have been a younger sister if I had one. She was 22 years old, turning 23 but I swear to god she looked like jail bait. (I ended up not sleeping with her). Anyways, we finished our food and we walk up to pay for our meals at the front (this is a food court, so you pay at the front. They give you cards that is scanned every time you order something and pay when leaving). As we walk up, we noticed that there was no one at the desk. Suddenly an Asian girl puts up from underneath, (must have been giving someone a bj or something, who knows) and says hi to us. I decided to crack a sarcastic joke and said "hey there you are. We should have dine and dash while we had the chance." She laughs and just as I was about to say something else I hear a deep meathead like voice go "why would you do something like that." I look over and noticed a tall white, buff, steroid meathead in a shirt that is two sizes smaller than him.  He looks at me with a scowl.

Me: "Why not?"

Manager: "This is my security guard. "

Meathead: Still scowling....

Me: "Oh, he works here? I couldn't tell, he's not wearing a uniform.
Well I don't want to mess with him he looks like he can run."

Meathead: "Yea....(in an extra deep voice. Chest is abnormally pumped out). "I can run, bub! Bub as in a brother way. That's how we talk down south."

Me: "Bub?" That's some Wolverine talk." (sarcastic tone)

Meathead: Glares at me and looks away

Manager: Silent.....

Asian girl at the register: Silent.....

My friend: I don't know what the hell she was doing.....oh wait, she was scanning her card to pay for her bill.

Meathead: His head is overheating trying to to think of a comeback.  He finally says, "Wolverine talk as in a nice way right?

Me: "yea....right....why not?" (sarcastic tone)

Meathead: Glares again

I walk out without ever paying my bill.  All that tough guy talk and trying to cockblock me while I talk to the Asian girl at the register asking me why I would want to dine and dash and he would chase me down didn't mean jack shit. I ended up walking out the door without ever paying for anything and got to get a good jab at Mr. Roid Rage while I was at it. Stupid Steroid meathead.....Can't even let an Asian man talk to an Asian girl in that's cockblocking

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Donate any amount to Thelonewolftraveler. This will be used to upgrade this blog. Support an Asian American Man doing his thing!

It can be a $0.50 or $1.00 donation or more. You decide how much you want to donate. Help support an Asian American Man doing his thing. Donations will be used to upgrade this blog.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 things to know about Asian Women

1. The only females to constantly put their men (Asian) in comparison with men of other races - (Comparing Asian men to white men, and what we lack compared to the white man)

2.  Fantasizes at an early age of interracial marriages and having mixed babies. (In order words, they want to have the white man's baby with white features)

3. Expect their men (Asian) to have to pay for everything and know the solution to everything from fixing a computer to the answers to her retarded questions.

4. Expect the highest standards in Asian men. If your not a doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, engineer, banker or in finance then your consider a broke and unworthy mate. Compare Asian women standards to that of Hispanic and Black woemn and you see the major differences.

5. Exclusively dates men of other races and refuses to date their own. Famous line: "Sorry, I don't date Asian guys." However, when they see an Asian man with a white girl they instantly feel bitter and jealous. They give dirty looks, become rude, or flat out of give the white girl a hard time. It has become acceptable for them to date men of other races but can't stand to take a dose of their own medicine in return.

6. Claim Asian pride, but they don't have the slightest clue on what the word even means

7. Very quick to defend racism when its directed at other races but when its directed at Asians or Asian men, they try to avoid it. They blame Asian men for not being strong enough to stand up or defend themselves

8. Many people date out of their race but Asian women are the only ones that go out of their way to make Asian men look bad. How often do you hear a black man that dates white women go "i don't date black women."

9. Asian women would exclusively date white men ONLY while they are in their prime but as their looks decline going in their thirties they decide to settle for Asian men. They want security and an Asian man to take care of them once they become after market trash and they know it. Read evidence of that in this article

10. The only women I know that has surgery to make their eyes bigger! Nuff said!

Update to this post on 10/13/12

I realized I pointed out all these facts but failed to come up with a solution for those affected and might want to do something about it.

Here are some tips to counteract the self hating Asian women syndrome.

First, ask yourself if your attracted to women of other races. White, Black, Hispanic, and Indian? If your answer is yes to any then start pursuing, make moves, and date women of other races. Don't hold back on yourself by being selective and putting all your eggs in one basket by only wanting Asian women. You might answer, but White and Black women are only into their own! While there is truth to that, I guarantee you that there are women within those races that are into Asian men or into men that have their shit together. As long as you take of your appearance, have confidence and have some skill at talking to girls then you will do just fine. Remember, you must always take the initiative. Women will be women no matter what race they are and would expect the man to make the first move.

How do you know if women are into Asian men? You don't. Sometimes you have to take a chance. Be a man, if you want a women then go for it. Every man should allow himself the opportunity to get the ass he desires. Don't forsake yourself. As I mentioned, women are attracted to a confident, dominating male that has his shit together. If she blows you off just for the simple fact that your Asian, then this bitch is just another white washed typical American that eliminates Asian men as mates not because they are not worthy but because they are the walking clones of American/Western thinking. Shes not worth your time, fuck that bitch (not literally) and move onto the next.

Where to find women that are attracted to Asian men? There are plenty of groups that have been started online through Facebook and other sites. Just type in Asian men and White women dating in your city or state and see what pops up. There are also plenty of Asian men lovers at Anime Conventions, Asian Film festivals and other various Asian gatherings. I personally met the girl from Spain at an the Manga convention back in 2007. She was staring at me the whole time but didn't say anything. (This is a green light. If a girl is staring at you for more than a few seconds means that she might be interested in you. If a girl positions herself around you pretending to look at something that means she is potentially giving you the green light to move in) I had to do the hunting and eventually was able to eat that Spanish ass. Remember, YOU ALWAYS have to initiate. Sometimes the negative thing is the girls at these events may have fetishes. Some may be into Japanese or Korean men only because of K and J Pop boy band music, dramas or manga they watch and want to mimic what they see on screen in their own lives. If your not a Jap or Korean you still you have an advantage because your Asian. The Spanish girl was into Japanese men and culture but I was able to claim that ass for myself even though I'm not Japanese.

If there is a Korea-town or Japan-town in your city with bars and cafes that have girls of other races that hang out there then chances are they are open to dating an Asian guy.

Once you date your non Asian girl, be proud of her and don't feel ashamed or intimidated by anyone that might give you the look. Asian women date White men all the time and is accepted by society so why can't Asian men do the same. If anyone gives you a hard time about it, point it out. Point out the hypocrisy and don't let anyone talk you down about dating a non Asian girl. Don't let your parents, your friends, or society discourage you from doing what you want. Last, parade your new girlfriend around Asian women to get your revenge. You will see how bitter the Asian women would get when they see that your no longer at the sidelines feeling bad for yourself. You would see the hypocrisy boil in their eyes....and if they make it vocal, call them out for it too.

Be a man, pursue what you want and defend what's yours.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Props and Respect

I was riding down "something blvd" yesterday afternoon (didn't leave the exact blvd name) and I stopped at a red light. A middle age white guy who was parked to my right was checking out my bike. I peered over and he was looking at my bike up and down and side to side. He was nodding his head in acknowledgment. He glances at me and nods his head some more then looks back at my bike. He looks at me again and I nod at him acknowledging him. The light turns green and I ride off. That's props right there.

Met up with a biker friend and we rode the freeway together. We stopped on the side of the freeway to admire the view of the cemetery and New York skyline from up far. (can u guess which freeway this is?) He tells me he's taken plenty of girls to this spot when he drives them around on his bike. First its a great romantic view, especially at night. Second girls thinks hes crazy (in a dangerous good way) for stopping there on the side of the freeway. I laugh at him and joke, "these are your secrets to your seduction game?" He laughs and we hop back on our bikes and wait to get back into traffic. A car stops and nods his head and gestures for us to go. We nod our head in turn and ride off down the freeway. That's respect right there.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sons of Corny

Since when did outlaw biker gangs give a shit about women? When did they drive around in some high speed chase trying to protect a bitch snitch from a bunch of mexican bangers who want to kill her? Then they talk it off in less than five minutes with guns drawn to have these bangers agree to not kill her. They have better diplomatic relations than the United Nations. What the fuck? Hookers and hoes fighting for equal rights, corny tramp moms fighting for custody of children. This week's episode was really weak. Bitches running loose, Opie's death unavenged. Sons of Anarchy hoes on the show is making the script so corny and would be the downfall of the show if it continues on with it.

Monday, October 1, 2012

When racism is okay

It appears that racism is in the states is tolerated when its directed at Asian "men."  You see how I specified men. It is well known that there is plenty of racism directed at the black population here in the US but there are always repercussions for that. Either the black person cries racism at everything or the media completely makes a big deal and blows it out of proportion. For instance, the second installment of the Transformers where both the little autobots sounded like ghetto characters. Instantly there were controversies claiming that it was racial profiling, blah blah. However in Hollywood practically every Asian man speaks with an accent even if they don't have one. It's the white man's way of oppressing Asian men indirectly without saying upfront with racial slurs. Notice how Asian women aren't treated that way. Lucy Lui or Kelly Hu are portrayed as sex symbols while Hollywood's Asian male counterparts are a bunch of pencil dicks gimps as portrayed in the Hangover and the Transformers. These days it appears its okay to put down the Asian man but at the same time promote Asian women as sex symbols and with higher value all while trying to embed the seeds of hatred amongst ourselves. Ever heard an Asian woman say, "I don't date Asian men?" Well that all comes from the self hatred they embed in the Asian community so that Asian men are put down so much that they make us undesirable even amongst our own. Asian women are weak minded and seeking for acceptance in the arms of the white man to find their place in American society. Asian men are also to blame by not being aggressive enough and too passive in nature to defend themselves when needed. Its widely believed that Asian men are at the bottom of the barrel because of the whole small penis issue but the truth is women are  attracted to a man's confidence and dominance. It's in their mental wiring to want a dominating man no matter how independent or self maintaining they claim to be. That explains why Alpha males always are the one that finds a mate as displayed with black men. They may be hated by men of different races but loved by the women. Why? It's because they are dominant and are alpha males in many ways.

Apparently its perfectly acceptable to assume that every Asian American person is Chinese and its okay to ask an Asian out of the blue, where are you from? It amazes me that conversation may never lead up to that point or barely any rapport was built before the question but still the question just shoots out of someone's mouth. What was the last time you heard someone ask a American black male, where you from? Ghana, Congo, Ethiopia?

I was riding my motorcycle a few weeks back in a Hispanic neighborhood when a Dominican motherfucker pulls up to my left on a one way while I waiting for a red light. Now anyone that rides a motorcycle knows that you never let a car pull up besides you on a one lane because it puts you in a potentially dangerous situation. I didn't hold back, I told him; "what are you doing? Don't cut my lane!" With a heavy accent he mumbles a couple of English words that he must have learned while crossing the border illegally. I was barely able to make out that he told me to not tell him what to do and he does what he wants. I didn't bother arguing and just looked him in the face and told him, "fuck you." I said fuck you twice and looked at him to make the next move. He cries a loud like a kid "I don't need to listen to you!" and turns the beating of pots and pans music he had on louder to try to drown out my voice. He then proceeds to yell out "Go back to China!" Really?? Coming from someone that completely butchered the English language with his accent is telling me to go back to China. First, how did he know I was Chinese? I could have been Korean. Second, I was born and bred here I'm being told by someone who is not native in my country to go back where I came from while he obviously probably hopped of the banana boat not long ago.  Last, my tax money is probably paying this motherfucker to allow him to keep the rice and beans on the table for his family of degenerates. He drives off as I tail him....I pull up to his left side and shout "what did you say spic?" at his open window and I wanted to pull up enough to his left to kick into his open window but he blocked the space well enough that there  wasn't enough room between his car and the parked cars for me to fit. He looks in the rear view and catches a middle finger I put up for him.

Living in diversity exposes a lot of positives such as meeting new people and learning different cultures. However unfortunately, the negatives are normally the end result.

This picture came straight out of a motorcycle chopper magazine I was reading. Racism is okay in America, when its directed at Asian men.

Update to this post at 6am on Oct 2, 2012

I happened to browse the web looking for Sex stories of Asian men in Europe with European women when I came across this article.

It appears that I am not alone in the point I am trying to make. I for one, was bullied back in High school because of my Asian roots being called a gook and a chink by the same white kid who was immensely attracted to Asian girls! He would call me a chink and then go gawk at some Asian girl he found cute. He would never show his racist side when talking to an Asian girl. The point I'm trying to make is that it seems to be accepted and passed over when racism is directed at Asian men. With any other race, it would be a big deal and the media will support those being discriminated against but I never seen action being taken when its Asian men being discriminated. I can only recall one time in the case of the writer who wrote that Jeremy Lin was the chink in the armor. The news reporter  claimed he had no intent on any racism and his wife was Asian and he meant no disrespect to the Asian community. Riggghht.....thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach

Update on 12/6/12

Friday, September 28, 2012

My Time in the City of Seoul

I have to back track on some of my travel posts because I started this blog after the actual traveling. December 2011 was my first solo international travel. I had met this girl at work

Tip: (working in a field where you can meet women is quite rewarding. It’s a shortcut from having to go out to a bar, or in the club, or bookstore, etc to run game on women in order to get potential prospects. Good examples of work to meet women are the bookstore, daycare center, hotel industry, English teacher or a tutor of language, and a doorman.  First, it gives you an excuse to approach them. For instance if your in customer service, you can go “do you need help?” and using the as an opener you can lead the conversation to things you both can talk about and make a connection and set the interest and attraction in her. Women are more receptive when she has an excuse to talk to you since your only doing your job by offering to help her right? Her defenses are relaxed since she has some sort of trust that you are not some random stranger. Then that can lead to asking for an email or phone number. Just be careful who you make a move on women while at work because you have to trust that she will keep her mouth shut. After all, you are at work.)

My personal Experience in Seoul: Let’s call this girl Jwoo (name has been changed for privacy reasons). She was from Seoul, South Korea. I made a move on her as soon as I saw her at my job and from there we talked for over two hours. Eventually we decided to meet to grab something to eat when I got off my shift. We met up later and had something to eat and a really amazing conversation that didn’t lose its momentum from before. We traded emails and I moved in for a quick but meaningful kiss to end it off. I didn’t think of it much of it at the time but eventually this would set in motion of a few months of intense deep emails and msn chats and next thing I know I’m flying to Seoul to see her. This all happened so spontaneous and everything seemed to fall in magically. Pretty soon I was having a great time in a foreign city, with plenty of drinking, eating, conversations and a whole a lot of fucking.

My analysis of the people:

Seoul is a very social city, or maybe because its expected of in Korean society for one to have many friends and a large social circle. Sitting in coffee shops during the day (while waiting for Jwoo to get off work) I noticed that I was practically the only one sitting by myself. Everyone else was at least with one person. In my own analysis, Korean society looks down on those who are loners, by themselves or without a social circle. They will be seen as outcasts. Here in the western world we have plenty of people in coffee shops sitting by themselves and its well accepted if your by yourself in public, but in Seoul I rarely saw this. Koreans feel the pressure of being excepted and being part of a social circle even if it means the loss of one's self identity.

Hooking up with a Korean girl for a fling may prove to be a challenge since they expect the whole dating process or being in a relationship. You may have to break into a social circle before meeting any women because hitting on women isn't all that easy in Seoul during the day because their barely ever alone. I say out of ten, at least five Korean girls will speak conversational English. After all, English is a second language in Seoul.

Knowing someone that can invite you to a party makes a huge difference. Jwoo invited me to a wine party in the Gangnam province hosted in a skyscraper and the view was simply amazing. I had a few drinks and before I know it I'm getting very social to the females at the party. One cute and young Korean girl with glasses (never did remember her name) begins to show a lot of interest in me and we talk for quite some time. She knew I was American and she spoke good English and the conversation was going well and attraction was being built. I felt that if I wanted to I could have asked her to go for a walk and possibly get physical with her the same night or get her number for a date on another day. Unfortunately I was cock blocked by Jwoo, who came back to the lounge and saw me talking to her. The girl knew I was with Jwoo and casually backed off.  Jwoo didn't show jealousy but I saw it in her eyes that she knew that the other girl and I were bonding. I later confessed to Jwoo that I was quite confident that I would have fucked that girl if I  wanted to. Being a foreigner from the USA certainly helps because another time during my second visit to Seoul, I simply just asked a young attractive Korean girl on directions to my hotel in the Gangnam province and after she learned that I was American she offers to show me around the next day, which I accepted. Best ways for a easy hookup is to go to one of the nightclubs in Itaewon where the girls drink and party and there with the possible intentions to hook up for the night even with a foreigner.

 Seoul Guide and Recommendations

A must visit will be the university town of Hongdae, where the whole town is virtually a haven for Hongkik University, an art and music college. There are pubs, bars, restaurants, street food all over and they are opened to the crack of dawn. Jwoo and I were hanging out in a bar having drinks passed the closing time but they let us stay until we left then they closed shop. Not once did they rush us or give us the look. That’s one thing I like about Seoul is that they have excellent service at bars and restaurants.

Hongkik has a liberal feel where everyone is artistic and free to be themselves as compared to the rest of corporate Seoul.  The population is young, students from the nearby university. Musicians play their guitars on the street and sing, there are late night Korean rock shows going on at local college bars in any one of the venues you choose.  Note that most of these venues are quite young so if your passed the college days I still recommend you to still go and relive those young days. It’s a lot of fun!

Little Terrace was an excellent Italian restaurant with delicious food and wine. Service is excellent, prices are reasonable and the atmosphere is dimly lit with candles, romantic and cozy. They have a terrace where you can sit out and dine (non smoking area) smokers would have to sit inside. We spent hours in there.
 Hint: You don’t have to tip in Seoul, the servers trips are already included in the salary.

Street food in Hongdae is plentiful and quite tasty. I would recommend a very famous Tok Bok Gui (rice rolls in spicy sweet sauce) and the famous soup in a street stand in the heart of the town.

Itaewon is another neighborhood crawling with pubs, bars and nightclubs. It has a reputation amongst Koreans to be more of a ghetto because of the foreigners that have settled there and of course because of the US military base that is stationed there. My impression of Itaewon that it was nice and safe as almost of S. Korea is. Of course, wherever you have US military men somewhere these dicks are going to act like they own the place causing trouble in bars because S. Korean laws do not apply to them. Personally I can't stand US soldiers, when I see those assholes I don't feel a sense of pride even though I'm American. A great bar in Itaewon is Geckos Terrace restaurant and bar.

Itaewon is also well known for its Red Light District. There is a spot called Hooker Hill (I tried to find it but couldn't) where prostitutes literally sit in booths and mama-sans try to lure men wandering the streets for business. If you like that kind of stuff then you can try it (note, prostitution in Seoul is illegal but tolerated) even though the prostitutes from Hooker Hill are considered the lowest of the low. If you have more cash to burn I would recommend the business district in Gangnam (no not that retarded music video)where the the girls there are younger, higher quality, clean and service is a lot better. I will detail my own personal experience I had there and directions and where to go in another blog entry.

Hotels and accommodations:

During my first visit to Seoul in which I spent about 2 weeks, I stayed at the Ibis Hotel for about four nights and the rest of the time I stayed at Jwoo's place. Ibis hotel is certainly not cheap, four nights cost me about $500 in US dollars but the service is exceptional, the rooms are clean and comfortable, fucking Jwoo and ending it with a creampie there every night certainly helped enhance the experience and the location is the best they have to offer. Its located right in the heart of the downtown tourist and shopping district of Myeongdong. There are plenty of cafes, restaurants, shopping and its a 10 minute walk away from the subway.
There are plenty of small hotels in the Gangnam business district, but just be aware that there are a lot of love hotels in that area. Nonetheless the rooms are still clean and the service is still good. The prices are cheaper than Myeondgong but the location is more of a business area.

My Notch Count so far

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