My Book has hit the Hong Kong Mainstream Media

Monday, October 12, 2015

Get Laid in Korea. Sneak Preview on my second book!

Here is the cover of my second book. So far the title will be: Get Laid in Korea. Massage Parlor Edition. Let me know what you think of the cover so far. All ideas and title ideas are accepted. I will post more info soon.

Coming soon…

get laid cover0

Saturday, October 3, 2015

I don't Like

1. I don’t like how Asian women have to explain why they prefer Asian men on dating ads. Do Hispanic women have to explain why they like their own kind?
Real life example: “Sorry, but I am attracted to Asian men… and I’m sure I’ll get a good amount of small-package jokes, but I can’t help what I like.”
2. I don’t like how Asian women go out of their way to embarrass Asian men on why they don’t like their own kind as sexual partners. To add insult to hurt ego, they parade their White, Black, Brown, Indian, etc boyfriends around all Asian communities. Here in NYC you see them in all kinds of Asian restaurants, Asian coffee shops, on the street, Asian bars, Asian clubs, and even Asian massage places. Talk about rubbing it in our faces.

3. I don’t like ignorant people that just goes off stereotypes before taking the time out to find out on their own. Be a leader, go find out on your own. Make your own choices. Don’t just believe and follow what society or others tell you.
4. How many men are actually racist of Asian people but yet still fantasize and want an Asian women as a sexual mate or for dating and relationships. “So wait, you hate Asian people but you like Asian women?” The answer is yes. I’ve come across to many types of this kind of men, more so that I can even keep count of.
The Jeremy Lin incident:

‘I didn’t mean it, my wife is Asian’: ESPN anchor suspended for ‘Chink in the armor’ gaffe defends himself on Twitter
Real life example: White guy living in Hong Kong and says he loves Asian culture thats why he is there. However, on a expat men’s blog he writes: “Guys plz tell me how to get laid with those mystical oriental bitches, I find treating them like a human too hard. Is there some magical ching chong I can speak that unlocks their inner nymphomaniac?”
5. I don’t like diversity. I used to be a firm believer diversity but after personal experiences with certain types of racial groups, I don’t feel the hippy love I once felt. As long as humans exist, there will always be racism. Mix them all together, and you will have the racial boiling pot that is known as America.
6. I don’t like how Non Asian women always have to defend themselves on why they like Asian men. Countless times, I’ve had Non Asian women tell me comments they hear from racist, jealous, hating Non Asian men such as, they have small dicks! Why would you like Jackie Chan! Why do you like Chinos! I don’t think White, Black, Hispanic guys have to put up with this.
7. I don’t like women that waste men’s time and money. If your not interested in him romantically then why lead him on? Why accept his date when you know his intentions are romantic and act surprised and pretended that you thought he wanted to be friends? Why waste his time, his money, and possibly crush him when you reject him? If you not interested, tell him up front. Don’t be a troll, don’t be a whore and waste his money, time, and effort. I don’t like women who set up online dating profiles just to feed off the attention they get.
Real Life example: I personally know a fat troll cunt that admitted to me recently that she does not or ever intend to meet any of the guys that contacts and talks to her on her tinder account. She said she just likes the attention….(keep in mind she is a fat, short, and old troll,not even attractive).
8. I don’t like her certain types of people like to play the “Race Card” all the time. They purposely use it to their advantages causing drama and acting like the world owes them something.

Read the original post at the my Main Blog: