To all my loyal readers, you probably have noticed by now that my original wordpress blog ( has been suspended as those fuckers at wordpress claim, but it's more like my blog was deleted. That would explain why I haven been MIA and haven''t posted in a while. With very little warning, my two years of blogging to represent for my fellow western Asian males was deleted off the face of the web.
I recently published my book: Get Laid in Hong Kong. A Travel and Sex Guide for the Western Asian Male and they deleted that from my very site stopping sales and the book from reaching my loyal readers. If that's not cockblocking or hating, then I don't know what you call that.
Luckily I was able to save my work as a XML file and upload every original blog post word for word since my blog's origin back in September 2012. Some formatting my be off along with some photos not loading because it was loaded to wordpress and since my blog is deleted, the pictures won't load. Bear with me for now while I work to get this new blog up to date.
But for now TheLoneWolfTraveler is back and I will share my new adventures soon. Fuck you and long live to my new home,!